Sunday, June 6, 2010

Yoga for Neck pain

Everyone gets a solid neck from time to time. Often yoga can help. Of course, before you do whatever, it's prominent to know if your neck pain is the sign of to some degree more deep.

Make sure to see your medical practitioner if:
  1. Your neck pain persists for more than three days or keeps coming back.
  2. You suffer from neck pain after a fall or catastrophe.
  3. Pain radiates from your neck down your arms or legs.
  4. Neck pain is associated with abhorrence or dizziness.
Causes for neck pain
1. Bad mien is a common basis of neck pain. How is your bearing true now?
2. Tension and pressure foundation the neck muscles to convention every now and then for log periods of time. This is a major cause of neck pain.
3. Neck pain is quite common due to trauma or wrong. Accidents involving blow neck harm may answer in astute or chronic neck pain that takes months or even years to improve.
4. Prolonged misuse of muscles, tendons or discs in the neck area.
5. Pain that radiates down the arm is often a sign that a disc is herniated disc.

Neck Stretches
Follow these steps when practicing neck stretches:
  1. Start in seated locus (cross legged)
  2. Sit up tall, reaching up through the top of the head
  3. Draw shoulders back
  4. Exhale, drop chin towards rib cage, guardianship elbows and shoulders pulled back
  5. Inhale, raise the head back to center
  6. Do this five times, then on the last exhale, drop the chin and stay in this thinking for three breaths, breathing through the nose
  7. Inhale, elevation head back to center
  8. Exhale, slowly drop fine ear towards best take up
  9. Inhale, promotion head back to center
  10. Do this five times, then on the last blow out, drop the ear towards the righward take on and stay in this place for 3 breaths
  11. Inhale, increase head back to center
  12. Repeat on left side
Prevention is the Key
There are many things you can do in your every day life to counteract neck pain in the forthcoming.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Yoga For Eyes

Eyes hold prime importance, being one of the five senses of one's body or Life.
Few important tips are there to keep your eyes healthy:

1. Close your eyes tightly for 5 sec. repetitively for at least 6 times.
2. Do not sit in front of computers for long and prefer to take breaks after every half an hour.
3. Shut your eyes and rotate your eye balls.
4. Rub your palms and place them on your eyes to get relaxed by the warmth of your palms.
5.Close you eyes and concentrate in the middle of your eyebrows, it also improves concentration.
6. Slowly, sincere your gaze to the ceiling, as you pant. Exhale, and move your gaze down in a unmixed line, towards the bottom. Do this 6 times.
7. Form of exercises like walking, swimming etc. helps reducing strain on the eyes.
8. Dim lights should be there at your work place, rather according to the optimum requirement.
9. Eat more of vegetables in your meal, to have more of vitamins.
10. Strengthen your arms, stretch up yourself to the max. and try to focus on certain natural features, it provides strength to fight against various strains on this sensitive organ.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Yoga for Reducing Fat

Reducing fat from thighs:

Gaumukh Asana : It is most effective way of reducing the fat from your thighs. Sit with both of legs crossed, then place your left leg on the right thigh in such a way that it touches your buttock and do the same with right leg, then touch your hands touching the back, this will not only straighten up your back but will also help in reducing excessive weight from your thighs.

Bhujangasana -It is also equally beneficial to reduce fat at the max. Lie down on the floor at your stomach with legs together, toes together, both of your hands by the side of the body and forehead resting on the floor, then get your elbows on the floor and fold your hands, palms on the ground and thumb should be under armpit, then bring chin bit forward and place it on ground, then raise chin and move oyur head backwards as much as possible. After stretching it completely, relax your body and slowly lay down in a relaxing position.

Yoga regulates the production of thyroid and in turn eliminates excess fat. Different kind of bends stimulates the metabolism.

Along with these following things should be kept in mind:

* Amount of food intake should be lesser.
* Drink maximum water.
* Try to do your household work as much as possible.

Above are the tips to get started and get yourself on the path of fitness and healthy life.